Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Romans 12:10

I know I just posted a couple of days ago, but I have been feeling so dog-gone blessed by the friendships and the love that I have been experiencing lately. This love comes from many avenues: the letter from an old friend, a message or two from loved ones back home, the strong hugs and friendly kisses from Persian children, the hospitality from the Morleys, the guidance from teammates, the laughter with new friends... 

How can I hold this in? Take a moment today to pray for the blessings in your life that we call "friends" or "loved ones." (Or "kindred spirits.") Thank God for them, ask him to send them love in mighty ways today. If you don't like to pray, then take a moment to be intentionally grateful for the love in your life. 

Now I challenge you to reciprocate those blessings. Go out of your way to encourage someone, even if it is a stranger. Don't ignore those whispers from God (trust me, you don't feel great when you do!) and be bold. Here's a piece of advice from a team member here: If you are feeling God whisper for you to do something and you are afraid, ask yourself this: What am I losing if I do this act? If you are only going to possibly embarrass yourself, then you really have nothing to lose. Isn't it worth the possible embarrassment to go out of your way to show someone love? 

My heart feels full when I reflect on the love that I have in my life. Thank you for that love, and thank you for showing it to others. I pray that God will send you love in mighty ways.

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